Thursday 28 November 2013

Film Language test feedback

Film Language test
WWW: Very detailed answers for the first two questions. I had good analysis.

EBI: My timing was not very good, I could improve responses to other questions.
Overall mark: 29/48  Grade: C+

Learner response: Add a paragraph to questions 3 and 4, including reference to the impact on the audience.

Q3) The non-diegetic sound which is being played over the scene creates more and more tension as the scene moves along. This makes the audience eager to find out what is going to happen next which creates a sense of enigma code. This also engages the audience as the man in the scene has a gun as the prop which would also intrigue the audience in wanting to watch the rest. The sound is parallel as it goes along well with the scene. There were also police sirens which were diegetic as it was a sound within the scene.

Q4) Throughout the scene there was continuity editing except for one part at the end where there was a straight cut which showed the outside of the building. This was when the man was being shot, this connotes that the scene probably would have been too graphic to show. This creates a sense of sympathy for the audience as they would feel sorry for the man being shot. It could also create enigma code as the audience do not see the man being shot so it could have just been to mislead the audience to think he was being shot which could link to the narrative further on in the film. 

Monday 25 November 2013

Preliminary Production Evaluation

 In our preliminary exercise we worked as a group of four. We decided on creating a scene in an episode of a soap/drama which would be one of the small stories within the episode.

There are two protagonists in this clip who are meant to be ‘together’. At the beginning there is a medium long shot of the girl which shows she is walking towards the door and also shows the audience what she is wearing and her facial expressions. There is then an extreme close up of the door handle being pushed down as she is opening it, she is then shown walking in through the door on the other side which is match on action. As she walks in her facial expressions tell us she is happy as she is smiling. The next shot is a long shot which shows her point of view as she is walking towards the boy, which also explains why she was smiling. There is another medium long shot from an angle which shows both of them from the side hugging each other which tells the audience they may be together. There is binary opposition which is that we see the boy is wearing a black jacket and the girl is wearing grey which is the closest to white, this connotes ‘good and evil’.

There is key lighting throughout the scene which connotes it could be day time and they’re just catching up with each other there is also back lighting which makes the image seem more softened and real. The setting is in a room which makes it seem more private. There is also not much in the frame of each shot; this does not give much away.

From the part where the actors hug it blurred into a close up of the phone ringing. The phone is a crucial prop that we used as it is the main part of the narrative. There is then a medium shot of the boy asking the girl how her day was which was shot using the 180 degree rule, filmed over the girls shoulder, then over the boys shoulder showing her response. There is then another close up of the phone ringing again which creates enigma code as the audience would be wondering who keeps ringing her. The boy then asks who is calling, the conversation is viewed throughout using the 180 degree rule which is filmed over the shoulder of the person they are talking to. The girl then looks at the phone and puts it down with a grin on her face which still creates a sense on enigma code because the audience still wants to know who it is.

There is then a straight cut onto the next shot which is a medium shot, still using the 180 degree rule showing the boy leaning across the table snatching the phone off her and her trying to snatch it back. There is then a long shot of the boy standing up in anger which shows disequilibrium in the narrative. The next shot is a medium/close up of the girl which shows her facial expression telling us she has nothing to say as she looks down and has a guilty look on her face. As she looks down the next shot is a close up of the phone with a picture of the girl and a different boy. This creates enigma code as the audience wants to know who he is and what he may be like. This shot then blurs out, the credits are then rolled.

WWW: The camera angles used were effective and we followed the 180 degree rule as well as the match on action and shot reverse shot.

EBI: If we included more clips to make it longer and if we added some music to create more of a feel to the scene.  

Preliminary task- teachers evaluation

Teachers evaluation


  • Good Performance.
  • Steady Camerawork.
  • Simple Storytelling.
  • Match on action Effective.
  • 180 degree rule followed.
  • Effective plot device - Phone.
  • Post production - editing.


  • Sound dialogue not clear.
  • Continuity error - phone on desk.
  • Attention to detail.


  1. Creativity:                           4/5
  2. Use of Technology:           3/5
  3. Production Process:         4/5
  4. Codes of Convention:       4/5
  5. Fit for Purpose:                  4/5
  6. Attention to Detail:             3/5

Overall Grade Achieved:         3+

Monday 11 November 2013

Preliminary task


Shot No.
Anjali walks to the door in a happy mood.
Medium long shot, panning.
3 seconds
Close up of the handle.
2 seconds
Long shot of when she walks in.
4 seconds
Shot reverse shot of when Anjali looks at Ajay and he looks at her. Whilst greeting each other.
6 seconds
Medium shot of Anjali and Ajay hugging.
3 seconds
They both then sit down, using the 180 degree rule showing them sitting down.
5 seconds
Shot reverse shot over Anjali’s shoulder of Ajay speaking.
4 seconds
Then extreme close up of Anjali’s phone vibrating on the table.
2 seconds
Medium shot of Ajay asking Who had messaged her using the 180 degree rule.
3 seconds
Then shot reverse shot of Anjali replying nobody with a smile, over Ajay’s shoulder.
3 seconds
Then a shot over Anjali’s shoulder of Ajay snatching her phone and seeing a picture.
4 seconds
Then a close up of Ajay standing up asking Anjali who that person was.
4 seconds
Then a close up of Anjali silent.
3 seconds
Finally a extreme close up of the phone.
2 seconds


Sunday 10 November 2013


The narrative is about a derelict house that has just been bought by a family of a man, a woman, and their 2 daughters, aged 5 and 7. The house is situated in a rich, high class area where everybody in the neighbourhood is friendly. But it may all seem to good to be true. The family witness haunting events occurring in their house, such as scratching of the doors and light bulbs popping. What they don’t know is, underneath their house is a masked man. The neighbours always help the new welcomed family and reject any strange behaviour which occurs in the neighbourhood, this makes the new family wonder if they may be too paranoid as they feel watched day and night. However, due to these distraught events and feelings, the family decide to leave, but when they try, their car suspiciously breaks down, with the nearest repair shop miles away. The family then call a family friend over to the house to collect them and help them leave. But when they arrive, there is a turn of events. They begin to leave and one of the kids leaves a toy in the house, and as the father goes to get it, he finds a hole, and as he looks into the hhole he sees an eye staring back. They try to leave as fast as possible, however the car the family friends have bought, has also very suspiciously broken down. The father begins to wonder who is underneath their house, so he and the family friend, bravely try to get underneath the house through the floorboards and finds a man who is trapped in a mask and has his hands tied together, the masked man reaches for a wooden spear which looks like he has made scratching at a chair leg. He aims at the father, just before the father shouts "Who are You?", he then stops. The man cannot speak, so he points to a wall where he has painted his blood which shows what happened to him. He was put under the house by his neighbours, because he tried to leave the neighbourhood. The masked man then helps the two families escape as he seeks revenge against the neighbours and gives them a neighbours car.

It is a Linear Narrative
There is an Equilibrium f when the family moves to the new house, then a Disequilibrium of the family witnessing strange events, then a New Equilibrium when the masked man helps them leave.
There is an Enigma code of people wondering who the masked man is under the families house.
There is an Action code of the wooden spear being held by the masked man.
The Villain is the neighbourhood itself.
The Helper is the family who gives the masked man his freedom to go after the villain.
The Hero is the masked man as he saves the family from the neighbourhood who were preying on the new family.
The False hero are the neighbours as they all appear to be helpful and good but are bad
The Princess are the family and the family friend who need to be rescued.

Wednesday 6 November 2013


A narrative that could be used is of a young vulnerable character, being stalked by a serial killer. The villain is looking to prey on the protagonist, who is unaware that she is being stalked. The reason why I have am considering on doing a Horror/Thriller Production is because it would be easier to create a far more effective production and the scenes can be shot at night to create a sense of tension and horror.

A narrative that could be used is a insight to gang culture and violence, in which a young group of teenagers are trapped and are turned against their families to be a part of their group. The young teenagers are forced to do things that they don't want to be feel they have to. I have chosen to do a Drama as it is effective and interesting. It also has a large target audience which allows people to get an insight of young gangs.