Thursday 19 December 2013

Audience Research

Our target audience would be 16 to 35 year olds. We have chosen to make a thriller that is not too scary as it should appeal to a younger age group and to an E4 or BBC three audience. The profile of the audience would fall under is experiencers, they are motivated by self-expressions; they have a lot of energy and pour into physical exercise and social activities. The median age of this group would be 25. The psychographic groups they would fall under are reformers; they seek enlightenment. They believe in the freedom of restrictions and personal growth. They are also anti materialistic but have good taste; they select products for quality and attend higher education. Our target audience would also fall under the ‘explorers’ group as they seek discovery, they value difference and adventure. They also are the first to try new brands as they are not afraid to discover new things. They fall under the demographic groups B; which are middle management, teachers, creative and media people such as graphic designers. Group C2 who are skilled manual workers such as plumbers and builders (blue collar). Group D who are semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers. Lastly group E who are students and unemployed.  

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