Sunday 26 January 2014

ill manors Q's

  1. What are the typical codes and conventions of film trailers - what information is usually provided?
The typical codes and conventions of a film trailer are the names of the actors starring in the film, the director/producer. The age certificate which tells the viewer the type of movie it may be. The release date of the film. Reviews from magazines or newspapers summed up in a couple words or star ratings.

2.    How are trailers distributed
Trailers are distributed through television commercials, in the cinemas, online trailers through you tube for example.

3.    How does Ill Manors use trailer conventions?
 ILL Manors uses trailer conventions by including: the age certificate, the names of actors that were starred and the director/producer, the release date of the film, ratings from magazines and newspapers and the title of the movie.

4.    Who is the target audience? Does it have a unique selling point or use particular techniques to appeal to the audience? Consider the way the scenes are edited together – does the trailer give away any clues about the narrative? Are the main stars visible in the trailer? Is there information about the director of the film? Is there information about the release date? Is a narrator’s voice-over used? 
The target audience for this film would be males around the age of 17-30. The trailer uses music which tells the narrative as it is rap music which relates to ‘youngsters’. Dialogue from the film is used in the trailer which basically gives away the storyline. The editing is very fast paced which is what 17-30 year olds are interested in, they prefer fast paced movies as they would be into action. The main characters are visible in the trailer; by what they are wearing the audience can tell that it would appeal to 17-30 year olds because most young males around the age of 18 would dress similar according to stereotypes. There is information about the director of the film as he is a well-known music artist so his fans would be interested in watching the movie. He also has an input in the music used throughout the film. The release date is seen at the end of the trailer which is what the viewers would want to see after watching the trailer so if they are interested in watching the movie the information of when it is released is shown.  It is not so much the narrator’s voice over but the dialogue from the movie instead.

5.    How has the genre of the film been represented through characters, settings, lighting, colour, music/dialogue, camera shots/movements/angles and editing?

The genre of the film is crime/drama. This has been represented through characters because of the way they dress and the actions they portray in the film such as violence. The setting is in an urban run down area which links to poverty and what youngsters would turn to if they have not been brought up well, such as drugs. The colours are dull which represent the type of area it is. The music is rap and involves a lot of swearing and slang terms, this relates to the genre as the rap talks about crime and violence, it also has a hard edge to it. The editing is very fast paced which tells the audience that a lot happens and it involves drama from what is shown in the trailer.              

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