Wednesday 12 February 2014

Magazine article

Cover line: He’s been nominated for 5 Oscars, 2 BAFTAS and 3 golden globes… down to business with Armond.

Headline quote: ‘I wish I had never done that’

Interview questions-
Did you always get along with your co-stars?
I would say we got along quite well although we did get into minor disagreements but we pulled through in the end and had loads of fun.

How is shooting a film different to filming a series?
When on set for a film I feel like it’s more relaxed and there are more of the cast and crew to guide you, we also don’t spend as much time on set as we would for a series. A series takes longer to make as each episode is an hour and there are about 20 episodes in a series.

 Did you face any problems whilst filming?
Oh yes, there was this one time where we were shooting a stunt scene, I thought I’d be brave and take on the role, I didn’t need a stunt double. That was my worst mistake because I tried jumping onto a moving vehicle free hand and fractured my neck down to my arm. That was my worst mistake during filming because I couldn’t act for about 1 month, I wish I had never done that.

You’ve had a pretty good transformation getting fit for this series, was it tough?
              ‘I worked hard to get this body, I knew it would be hard work but it all paid off in the end. It was mainly because I didn’t want to let the director of this series down as she believed in me’.

How did your partner react when you told her you were taking on this controversial role?           
She was very supporting yet really excited for me, she’s gave me a lot of advice and encouraged me to prepare for the role which she also helped me with.  

It is rumoured you’ll be launching your own clothing line, is this true?
Well, it is true. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do because I admit I like to look good and want to share my style with everyone. Iconic figures nowadays such as the well-known musician Mr West has his clothing line which is quite successful, so why can’t I?

Director’s cut-
My inspiration came from a classic film starring Tony Curtis called ‘Peeping Tom, from here my vision prospered. The first person I called was my good friend and renowned producer Frank Darabont who produced and directed the hit series ‘The Walking Dead’. It was a long process but it was worth it in the end. I have no regrets and thankfully all the cast and crew were on board at all times. It was like a director’s dream! Everything just worked out perfectly. We experienced all kinds of emotions on set, the happiness, sadness, frustration and a ridiculous amount of laughter!

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