Monday 3 February 2014

Target audience for the ill manors music video

What target audience would this music video appeal to?

The target audience for this music video are male adolescents from the age of 15-25. These people would probably be involved in anti –social behaviour due to personal issues. They are most likely to live in a council estate or in a rundown urban area. They fall into the psychographic group of ‘Strugglers’; people who seek escape, they feel alienated and disorganised, they result to buying alcohol, junk food and lottery tickets as they would live on a low budget.  They would probably turn to alcohol to drink away their stress and problems which could lead to the abuse of alcohol and ensuing to anti-social behaviour leading to these youngsters being portrayed in a negative light. The demographic group of the target audience would be D and E who are unemployed, students or semi-skilled workers who would most probably be on benefits or a very low income. In the music video the youngsters are being depicted as carrying out crimes such as vandalism, rioting and hurting people, however this is being shown not to be a bad thing and the video is sort of encouraging it. Plan B is trying to give out the message that there is a reason to why youngsters act so anti-social, through the lyrics he explains why they do it and the video shows politicians being shown as rubbish. So this is why the target audience would be 15-25 year old strugglers. 

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