Sunday 29 September 2013

Advert analysis


The denotation is that there is a picture of 50 cent and a picture of his prison document. The connotation is that he has overcome what he has been through and he is proud of who he is. The colours are very dark and mostly black and the lighting is very low key which creates and connotes a serious mood. The composition of the page is set out in two halves which represent two different sides of 50 cent, a picture of himself and a picture of his past. The images take up the whole advert as they are close up shots. The angle at which the picture was taken is a straight angle. The subject matter of the image is 50 cent and the picture of his fingerprints, so the attention is on both subjects. The dominant reading of this advertisement is be proud of who you are and live how you want to.  The oppositional meaning is being proud of whom you are even if you’re a bad person or have a criminal record and reebok is worn by ‘cool’ people.  The negotiated meaning is somewhere in between the other two readings being neutral.

1 comment:

  1. WWW: You've made some excellent points in terms of composition, lighting and possible connotations.
    EBI: Think again about the readings - I agree with the dominant reading but the oppositional reading is the opposite of what Reebok want to communicate. So perhaps this would be that Reebok is for criminals and thugs?
    LR: Go back to the final section and work on it again.
