Monday 17 March 2014

Ill Manors e-media

Facebook page
1.      How many likes has the Ill Manos page had?
  The Ill Manors page had 30,139 likes.
2.    What is the top of the page promoting?
The top of the page is promoting the release of the DVD and Blu-Ray.
3.      How 5 posts on the Facebook wall appeal to the Ill Manors target audience?
This appeals to the Ill Manors target audience because most of the target audience would be fans of Plan B and his music therefore saying he’s been nominated at the Brit awards would make people want to vote for him.
This appeals to the target audience as revolver entertainment was the company who distributed the film. They may also distribute films with a similar target audience.

This appeals to the target audience as the music video is a way of promoting Plan B’s music and what the film is about. The psychographic group of strugglers would be fans of Plan B and the film because of the message it portrays.
The target audience would want to watch the trailer as they would be fans of the film and it states it’s an exclusive clip.

This music video would appeal to the target audience as it says it tells the story of Ill Manors and fans can listen to his music as well as know what the movie is about.

4.      Three examples of synergy with other platforms, explain how each promotes the film.

This newspaper article is about the Mercury prize as Plan B was nominated for his Ill Manors album which seemed to be a favourite to win. This promotes the film because the album was made for the film which is synergy as it is promoting the film as well.

This promotes the film because it shows Plan B winning a MOBO award for the Ill Manors album which makes people want to watch the film because the music is winning awards which must be good for the film.

This promotes the film because it was nominated for 3 ‘British Independent film awards’, this makes the audience want to watch it.

5.      Three examples of opportunities of user generated content.

6.      Three examples of cross promoting the DVD or soundtrack release

7.      How did the institution use the page to promote the film’s release in May 2012?
The promoted the film by posting up the Ill Manors soundtrack and the trailer, this would appeal to the audience as it gives an insight on what the movie is about and whether they would like it. 

Twitter page
1.  How does the twitter page use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film?
The twitter page has an image of the poster in the background which shows the brand as we can see the main actor with a gun surrounded by buildings which tells us the genre of the film. There is also an advertisement to buy the DVD and Blu-Ray which promotes the film.

2. What hashtags are used?
The hashtags used are #ILLMANORS, #MEGAMONDAY, #QAwards

3. Three tweets they retweeted (celebrities/magazines) and how they appeal to the target audience?
Best Track presented by @QRadiouk goes to Ill Manors by Plan B @4PlanB #QAwards Happy Birthday Ben!
Q magazines tweet was retweeted, this is because it is a music magazine and would appeal to the target audience as they would probably be fans of Plan B’s music.

#illMANORS ON BLU-RAY, DVD & DOWNLOAD ★★★★★ Now available everywhere! >>> @iLLManors
this was a tweet from Plan B which would appeal to the target audience as he himself directed the movie and produced the album for Ill Manors.

HMV signing amazing experience enjoy the DVD!! #IllManors @4PlanB @iLLManors @edskrein @RyanDeLaCruzUK @Leeallen80
  This was tweeted by the actress in Ill Manors; Anouska Mond. This would appeal to the target audience as she is an actress in the film and they would be interested in more of her work if it is similar to anything like Ill Manors.
4. How has the twitter feed used images to promote the film?
Images have been used to promote the film as there is one of the actor’s onset of the film which promotes the film as it shows the area it was being made in. There is also an image of the HMV DVD signing which promotes the film as the stars went out to sign these for the fans and probably made more sales from that store that day as people just bought the DVD for the autographs but would now also watch the movie. There were also images of the DVD and Blu-Ray which promotes the film as Plan B tweeted the pictures, therefore his fans would go and buy them.
5. –
6. How tweets promote the release of the DVD in October 2012?
#illMANORS ON BLU-RAY, DVD & DOWNLOAD ★★★★★ Now available everywhere!
This tweet from Plan B promotes the DVD because he has stated how many stars the film was rated and also attached a picture.

HMV iLL Manors DVD signing was great!! Thanks to all iLL Manors fans who came down!!! Good to c @iLLManors
This tweet was from one of the actors in the movie, it promotes the release as he says they did a DVD signing in HMV, so more people would go out to buy it if there was a signing so they could meet the actors.

Good crowd at the HMV #iLLManors signing in Oxford Street. @4PlanB and Cast will be out signing very soon! 
This promotes the release as it names a famous street in London which would big up the release more as the actors would be signing autographs there.

1. How has Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote the film?
It has used Instagram to promote the film as they have posted up images of the actors, with them onset and at premieres for the film. They have also posted up pictures of the poster and DVD cover which would attract fans, especially fans of Plan B.

2. Three images, why they are effective in promoting the film?
3. Hashtags used on Instagram?
4. Three images on Instagram that relate to other texts we have studied, explain the synergy?

1.      How was the PlanBuk channel used to promote Ill Manors the film?
This channel promotes the film because the whole album is released on this channel for the viewers to listen to which is from the film, this is a form of synergy as it is promoting the film as well as the album. The Plan B tag London campaign is also posted on here which links to the message portrayed in the film as people voiced their opinions on this campaign. There are also short teaser clips from the film which is a way of letting the viewers see some of the best parts of the movie which is a way of promoting it as people would probably want to watch more.

2.      Example of synergy between YouTube and other texts we have studied and how they link to the target audience?
This YouTube channel uses synergy as the music videos posted links with the Tag London campaign. This is because the Tag London campaign was for the audience to get their opinions across on the movie and the society in general which is also what the music videos portray, the opinions of the teenagers and people living in council estates for example. These both appeal to the Ill Manors target audience because ‘strugglers’ would have similar opinions as in the music video and would be involved in the Tag London campaign.  

3.      What links of other social networking sites are found on this page?
Twitter and Facebook are the main social networking sites found on this page.

A Field in England

Media magazine article-
This article is about how the film was distributed, it explains the different strategies that were used in order to make the film known. It is an art house film so its aim is more aesthetic rather than making profit. So it states the aim was to release the film in about 11 or 12 small cinemas at the same time as releasing the DVD and putting it on TV so the audience can enjoy the film and the message in it. The distributors wanted to get the widest audience for this art house film so it stayed in the small cinemas for longer as there was no worry for bigger blockbuster movies to be out in cinema for longer ruining the chances for people to go and watch ‘A Field in England’.

1.       How was A Field in England’s release different to typical film releases?
This was different to typical film releases because the distributors released the film in cinemas at the same time they released the DVD and put it on TV on Film4. They said it’s the evolution of the system and technologies and that people do not want to go to the cinema sometimes, they would rather watch it at home and then if they enjoy the film they may buy it on DVD and would not have to wait.

2.       What are the advantages on releasing the cross platforms on the same day?
An advantage would be that these types of art house movies could stay in cinemas for longer and can find their target audience. They can also market the whole campaign at once for the movie instead of separate ones for the DVD release and for the cinema release, this may also save movie. This could intrigue people to watch the film because it is an interesting and unique way to release the film.

3.       What are the disadvantages for this approach?
The disadvantages for this approach would be that the film may not make enough profit even though that is not the aim for an art house film. It would decrease sales in DVD’s as it would be on TV and people will be able to record the film at home or watch it on demand rather than buying it.

4.       What is the target audience for A Field in England?
The target audience from a psychographic group for this film would be explorers because art house films have a niche audience which means it would not appeal to many people, therefore explorers would like to give new things a go such as watch these films to see if they are any good. The demographic group would be C or B who would be middle class and have skilled jobs or are in university probably studying art or history.

5.       Do you think all films in future will be released across all platforms simultaneously in future?  
      I do not think all films will be released across all platforms similar to how ‘A Field in England’ was released because many other movies such as blockbusters would want to make revenue from releasing the DVD separately for example months later after it is released in cinema. Many high budget movies make most of their profit from when it is released in cinema. However they may use this technique to stand out for being unique or if their aim is not to make profit but it makes it more aesthetic.  

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Ill Manors official website

1.       How does the Ill Manors official website promote the film?
The website promotes the film as it has the trailer for the film for the audience to view. Social media is also used such as twitter and Facebook to promote the film so the audience can turn to these to comment and share their opinions on the film. Intertextualiity is also used which shows the film poster within the film poster, this is a way to promote the film within the text itself.

2.       What examples can you find of the Ill Manors brand on the website?
On the website the title of the film is the same as it is on the film poster, the DVD cover and the trailer. The ‘Ill’ in Ill Manors looks like a tower blocks which links to the film as it is based in the city and the setting is surrounded by estate buildings. The colours used are quite dull; grey, black and white, this helps us recognise the brand and gives us a sense of the genre of the film. The gun which is held by the actor promotes the brand as it lets the audience know that it could be a violent film, it also links to the urban city background as it could connote that violence happens on the streets and in council estates.

3.       What links does the website offer?
The website offers links to the Ill Manors official twitter page and their Facebook page; this is a way of promoting the film and gaining support for the message that is being portrayed in the film. There is also a link to his album to buy which is a way to make sales through the movie using synergy. There is also a link to buy the DVD and Blu-Ray, this is a way to advertise and make more sales of the film.

4.       What examples of synergy are there between the website and the print platforms?
The Ill Manors album is promoted through the website as well as on the film poster and DVD packaging as it states there is music from the director Plan B. The twitter and Facebook page is also being promoted using synergy as it is stamped on some of the film posters, on the website and also in the trailer which is put up on the website.

5.       Why are the links to social media important?
Twitter- @iLL Manors
Facebook- /iLL Manors
These are important because they let the viewer have contact with ways to voice their opinions on social media and its a way to promote the film as the generations nowadays rely on media and are mostly on social media sites therefore making it easy to put their points across. 

Monday 10 March 2014

Tag London campaign

Summarise the Tag London campaign.
1.       The Tag London campaign is a twitter campaign which was being promoted for Plan B’s album, it combined traditional and digital media. This would connect with the target audience online, this prompted them to tweet using #IllMANORS. The tweets were then displayed on landmarks in London some being 100ft high as a way to promote Tag London. The tweets were displayed using graffiti being traditional as well as using digital media. This was done to show the harsh subject matter surrounding the album.

How does the Tag London campaign help to promote the film?
2.       Tag London helps promote the film as it promotes the album of Ill Manors, this would then lead people into watching the movie if they enjoyed listening to the album or if it is controversial they would want to watch it to give their own opinions on it.  The tweets of people show all of their opinions on the album so would want to have an intake on the film.

What links are there between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study?
3.       The Tag London campaign links to the TEDx lecture as they both voice opinions on controversial issues. They link to the same target audience who would be strugglers as they would probably have the strongest opinions on this subject. Both texts illustrate the fact that social problems are being ignored and kids are being put into a bad light and are constantly being put down in the media and are being portrayed as being stereotypical in the way they behave such as being anti-social. Tweets such as this one: “MONEY & LOVE CAN LIFT A PEOPLE UP. IT’S NOT A RACE, WHEN WE’RE ALL FROM ONE PLACE.”   
This shows the issue which links very well with the film.

Why might user generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns?
4.       User generated campaigns are normally more successful than traditional media campaigns because they involve the audience; the audience can have a say on the campaign and possibly be heard. This would attract more of an audience because they feel like they could be involved.

Write the target audience for each of 5 tweets and how it links to a text we have studied.
The target audience for this tweet would be from the psychographic group of strugglers as it uses the word 'sick' which is an abbreviation meaning good or amazing mainly used by the younger generation. The demographic group would be C or D meaning they may have a skilled job and may be on a low income. This links to the interviews that we saw from the Ill Manors premiere, Plan B and other actors spoke in a way that youngsters would normally speak and used words such as 'sick', so this tweet relates to the interview as they have the same target audience. 
The target audience for this tweet would be explorers as they would have their own beliefs and say what they think, although they may keep changing their opinions. Their demographic group would be C. This would link to the TEDx lecture because Plan B spoke about how politicians and the government are making the youth seem bad and relating them with stereotypes. So this tweet would be similar to the points said at the TEDx lecture.
The target audience for this tweet would be mainstreamers as there is a sense of knowledge as the prime ministers name is mentioned, it also shows a clear view of what this person thinks as they said 'another'. This tells us they are aware of the other things that Cameron has done and have good knowledge on problems in society. This tweet links to the Ill Manors music video as the lyrics are very similar to the words 'broken Britain' as this is what the main soundtrack is about.  
The target audience would be reformers as the vocabulary used is not exactly something a struggler or a teenager would say. This tweet clarifies the view of this person and states that its the view of a whole group and are not excluding society. This links to the TEDx lecture because Plan B spoke about the views on society and the way certain parts of the society feel.

Monday 3 March 2014

print platforms

1.       What are the key conventions that help you identify the text?
We can tell this is a film poster because there is a release date at the bottom letting the audience know when the film is out in the cinemas. There are also critics ratings towards the top of the poster which would attract people to go and see the movie. ‘Plan B presents’ is a way to make Plan B fans watch the movie or fans of his genre of music as then they would know what type of film it is.

2.       What design features help promote the ill manors brand?
The design features which promote the Ill Manors brand is the background of the poster which shows an urban estate which is where the film is based and relates to the life of people who live in those kinds of areas. Also the gun which connotes violence and creates the image of Ill Manors to show the harsh reality of East London.

3.       Synergy is shown as Plan B is mentioned on the poster and he is well known for being a music artist, therefore his music is being promoted as well as the film.

1.  The key conventions are the way the film is being promoted such as the film is on Blu-Ray, DVD, to download and also on demand. The critics ratings are also shown, as there are a lot shown this tells the viewer that it must be a really well made film to have so many magazines or newspapers for example talking about it.

2.  The design features are the same as the poster which help promote the Ill Manors brand which are the gun which portrays violence and gives it the rough image, the background which is an inner city urban estate where the film is set and also the colours used which happen to be quite dull which connotes that the movie probably hits reality as these estates can be pretty rough.

3.Synergy being used is also showing ‘Plan B presents’ which can attract his fans and promote his music at the same time. 

1.       The key conventions are that the poster tells us that the album is coming out soon. There is also a logo of his music label on top of the poster which shows that his music is legit. The colour scheme used is also important to attract the audience because the image is black and white which represents an urban background, the record label logo and ‘coming soon’ is in red as they link to each other and would catch the reader’s attention. There is also Plan B’s signature on the poster over the Ill Manors title which almost shows an autograph for his fans and that his name is written all over the movie.

2.       The design features which help promote the Ill Manors brand are Plan B himself who is shown wearing a hoody which connotes the youth and stereotype group of people who are in the film and what the film represents. He is also smoking which is not exactly seen to be role model like of him, this helps create his image for the film. However this is the poster for his album as well as promoting the film. The background shows a city/urban area, this is where the film is set so promotes what the film is trying to represent as well as his music in which he talks about the life of people who live in urban estates.   

3.       Synergy is shown in this poster as it is a poster for his music album, however the title of the film is still on the poster which also lets his fans know he plays a big part in the film as he is the director and tells the story through his music which his fans would want to see and hear. This is a way to make sales in his music and sales when going to watch the movie or buying the DVD. 

Ill Manors print platforms

Men Health magazine interview-
The target audience for this would be people aged 20 to 30 who feel like they need to get into shape and who would be inspired by Plan B. Their psychographic group would be strugglers who look up to Plan B and have had similar experiences. Also aspirers as they care about their appearance and want to aspire to be like celebrities such as Plan B. The demographic group would be C2 and D who are skilled workers or unemployed people because they would want to read magazines that they would be inspired by as a way of relying on something. This article entertains as it informs people about how Plan B got into shape and because of the way he speaks, people of a younger generation could relate as they probably speak the way he does. This platform does allow the audience to participate as they are allowed to comment on what they think of the article. The codes and conventions which are apparent are the big pictures of Plan B and his speech. Narrative is used in the text to show the audience what Plan B went through and his story of how he got over the over consumption of alcohol and decided to lose weight.

Q magazine-
The target audience for this Q magazine interview would be aspirers and explorers because both groups would be keen on taking on Plan B’s view on why he decided to make Ill Manors. The demographic group would be mainly C1 and C2 as they would read the Q magazine as they may be music fans. Being explorers they may want to hear about new music such as Plan B’s controversial album and film. He states he “wants to get under peoples skin”. This is a rather challenging way to aspire to have an opinion heard. This article entertains as it has a video of his speech after winning an award, there is also his official music video attached which would entertain the audience. It is shown that this is an interview in an article as it uses quotation marks of what Plan B is saying. The audience can contribute by watching the videos and commenting below the article. The codes and conventions used are subheadings which tell us a bit about what the interview is about. The video is also an eye catcher for the viewer. The narrative suggests that Plan B did not assume that this would be a hit and go to No. 1 in the charts as it was very controversial but then people started listening to it and started to like it.

The Guardian-
I would say the target audience for this interview is a succeeder or reformer because the people who read the Guardian have quite high up jobs and have time to read about issues that go on in society. The demographic group it would appeal to would be C1 or B. We can tell this is a print platform because had a heading of what the article is about and pictures to go with it. This platform does allow the audience to contribute as they can comment below and there is a twitter page which can be followed. This article is about Plan B’s tough upbringing and how he got past them, also how he got into music and directing from this and what urged him to strive forward so this is the narrative.

Shortlist interview-
The target audience for this is reformers because in this interview the questions are about how he coped with filming and such. This shows personal growth and links to the key values, they are strivers. But also strugglers because of the way Plan B uses his language. The demographic group would be C2 and D mainly because the interview is a bit more informal and they talk how they would talk every day, similar to youngsters. Plan B uses inappropriate language which connotes he does not care about the way he speaks and wants to make a rough image for himself. This interview entertains the audience because Plan B speaks about his experiences he had whilst making the movie which could be interesting. This is also the narrative as he tells his stories about how late he use to sleep and how much effort went into making this movie.

Mock Exam

Learner Response-

WWW: your answers improve steadily through questions 1-3 and you have clearly revised theories.

EBI: We need to work on Audience! Made a mistake in Q2 by writing about editing, sound and camera work.

Question 4- Audiences 
Why does the film appeal to such a wide audience?

This film appeals to a wide audience because it links to most people who are a part of a family, who are parents and who are young children, also everyone who drives a car as the impacts of what happens in the video. There is a high global appeal because the video has no dialogue which means anybody would be able to understand it around the world no matter what language they speak. It had 14 million YouTube views which tells us it was quite popular.

Due to the lines of appeal this video links to happy families, it gives the viewer an idea of the message that is being portrayed; happy families can be destroyed by one incident. The theory of uses and gratifications suggests that the audience can have a personal relationship to this advert as it shows a middle class family which many people could see themselves as. Also relates to personal identity because the viewers could be parents or children and can see themselves being put into a position to protect their families or have already lost someone in a similar incident.

There are also no shock tactics used such as disturbing images of being in a car accident and blood and gore. This can then also appeal to children in a way that would not disturb them. instead it creates an emotional impact by adding classical slow music to it which instead creates the impact.