Monday 10 March 2014

Tag London campaign

Summarise the Tag London campaign.
1.       The Tag London campaign is a twitter campaign which was being promoted for Plan B’s album, it combined traditional and digital media. This would connect with the target audience online, this prompted them to tweet using #IllMANORS. The tweets were then displayed on landmarks in London some being 100ft high as a way to promote Tag London. The tweets were displayed using graffiti being traditional as well as using digital media. This was done to show the harsh subject matter surrounding the album.

How does the Tag London campaign help to promote the film?
2.       Tag London helps promote the film as it promotes the album of Ill Manors, this would then lead people into watching the movie if they enjoyed listening to the album or if it is controversial they would want to watch it to give their own opinions on it.  The tweets of people show all of their opinions on the album so would want to have an intake on the film.

What links are there between the Tag London campaign and other texts you have studied as part of the Ill Manors case study?
3.       The Tag London campaign links to the TEDx lecture as they both voice opinions on controversial issues. They link to the same target audience who would be strugglers as they would probably have the strongest opinions on this subject. Both texts illustrate the fact that social problems are being ignored and kids are being put into a bad light and are constantly being put down in the media and are being portrayed as being stereotypical in the way they behave such as being anti-social. Tweets such as this one: “MONEY & LOVE CAN LIFT A PEOPLE UP. IT’S NOT A RACE, WHEN WE’RE ALL FROM ONE PLACE.”   
This shows the issue which links very well with the film.

Why might user generated campaigns like this be more successful than traditional media campaigns?
4.       User generated campaigns are normally more successful than traditional media campaigns because they involve the audience; the audience can have a say on the campaign and possibly be heard. This would attract more of an audience because they feel like they could be involved.

Write the target audience for each of 5 tweets and how it links to a text we have studied.
The target audience for this tweet would be from the psychographic group of strugglers as it uses the word 'sick' which is an abbreviation meaning good or amazing mainly used by the younger generation. The demographic group would be C or D meaning they may have a skilled job and may be on a low income. This links to the interviews that we saw from the Ill Manors premiere, Plan B and other actors spoke in a way that youngsters would normally speak and used words such as 'sick', so this tweet relates to the interview as they have the same target audience. 
The target audience for this tweet would be explorers as they would have their own beliefs and say what they think, although they may keep changing their opinions. Their demographic group would be C. This would link to the TEDx lecture because Plan B spoke about how politicians and the government are making the youth seem bad and relating them with stereotypes. So this tweet would be similar to the points said at the TEDx lecture.
The target audience for this tweet would be mainstreamers as there is a sense of knowledge as the prime ministers name is mentioned, it also shows a clear view of what this person thinks as they said 'another'. This tells us they are aware of the other things that Cameron has done and have good knowledge on problems in society. This tweet links to the Ill Manors music video as the lyrics are very similar to the words 'broken Britain' as this is what the main soundtrack is about.  
The target audience would be reformers as the vocabulary used is not exactly something a struggler or a teenager would say. This tweet clarifies the view of this person and states that its the view of a whole group and are not excluding society. This links to the TEDx lecture because Plan B spoke about the views on society and the way certain parts of the society feel.

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