Monday 3 March 2014

Ill Manors print platforms

Men Health magazine interview-
The target audience for this would be people aged 20 to 30 who feel like they need to get into shape and who would be inspired by Plan B. Their psychographic group would be strugglers who look up to Plan B and have had similar experiences. Also aspirers as they care about their appearance and want to aspire to be like celebrities such as Plan B. The demographic group would be C2 and D who are skilled workers or unemployed people because they would want to read magazines that they would be inspired by as a way of relying on something. This article entertains as it informs people about how Plan B got into shape and because of the way he speaks, people of a younger generation could relate as they probably speak the way he does. This platform does allow the audience to participate as they are allowed to comment on what they think of the article. The codes and conventions which are apparent are the big pictures of Plan B and his speech. Narrative is used in the text to show the audience what Plan B went through and his story of how he got over the over consumption of alcohol and decided to lose weight.

Q magazine-
The target audience for this Q magazine interview would be aspirers and explorers because both groups would be keen on taking on Plan B’s view on why he decided to make Ill Manors. The demographic group would be mainly C1 and C2 as they would read the Q magazine as they may be music fans. Being explorers they may want to hear about new music such as Plan B’s controversial album and film. He states he “wants to get under peoples skin”. This is a rather challenging way to aspire to have an opinion heard. This article entertains as it has a video of his speech after winning an award, there is also his official music video attached which would entertain the audience. It is shown that this is an interview in an article as it uses quotation marks of what Plan B is saying. The audience can contribute by watching the videos and commenting below the article. The codes and conventions used are subheadings which tell us a bit about what the interview is about. The video is also an eye catcher for the viewer. The narrative suggests that Plan B did not assume that this would be a hit and go to No. 1 in the charts as it was very controversial but then people started listening to it and started to like it.

The Guardian-
I would say the target audience for this interview is a succeeder or reformer because the people who read the Guardian have quite high up jobs and have time to read about issues that go on in society. The demographic group it would appeal to would be C1 or B. We can tell this is a print platform because had a heading of what the article is about and pictures to go with it. This platform does allow the audience to contribute as they can comment below and there is a twitter page which can be followed. This article is about Plan B’s tough upbringing and how he got past them, also how he got into music and directing from this and what urged him to strive forward so this is the narrative.

Shortlist interview-
The target audience for this is reformers because in this interview the questions are about how he coped with filming and such. This shows personal growth and links to the key values, they are strivers. But also strugglers because of the way Plan B uses his language. The demographic group would be C2 and D mainly because the interview is a bit more informal and they talk how they would talk every day, similar to youngsters. Plan B uses inappropriate language which connotes he does not care about the way he speaks and wants to make a rough image for himself. This interview entertains the audience because Plan B speaks about his experiences he had whilst making the movie which could be interesting. This is also the narrative as he tells his stories about how late he use to sleep and how much effort went into making this movie.

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